Animated Telecom Dictionary
This book explains the latest telecommunication technologies and provides a reference for industry terms that are needed to communicate with other people involved in the telecommunications industry.
Many changes have occurred in telecommunication networks and this book is the perfect solution for those involved or interested in the operation of telecommunication networks and service providers. The Animated Telecom Dictionary (ATD) is the first technical dictionary that uses animation diagrams to help explain these new complex technologies that are included on a fully readable CD-Rom. The definitions came from over 124 contributors, a panel of 12 industry experts, and form more than 20 telecom books that have been produced over the past several years. It covers wireless, wired and information telecommunications systems and services. It is perfect for almost all telecommunication experts as it contains the latest definitions, market information along with definitions of essential industry terms and acronyms.
· Defines over 10,000 of the latest telecom terms and technologies.
· Contains more than 400 diagrams and photographs in the book.
· Comes with a CD ROM that contains over 100 animations.
· Has more than 4,000 terms and acronyms.
· Includes a searchable database of industry trade shows.
· Lists of industry magazines.
· Details more than 100 trade associations.nary (with CD)
Paperback: 580 pages
Publisher: Apdg Pub (June 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1893970094
ISBN-13: 978-1893970090
Product Dimensions: 9.5 x 7.5 x 1.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.8 pounds