Archive for: February 2010

News in 2010 February 17, 2010

Interview with Alereon CEO Eric Broockman, by EngineeringTV

Alereon demonstrates a new UWB (Ultra-Wideband) device that wirelessly displays a notebook screen onto an HDTV, monitor, or any other type of HDMI enabled display device, leaving the WiFi radio in the PC free to connect to the internet at full speed to stream video files from web sites such as Hulu, Netflix and YouTube. […]

News in 2010 February 1, 2010

Wireless Technologies Answer the Call for Better Care

Cordless gadgets and smartphones have undoubtedly changed the way we live. Now, more physicians and facilities are welcoming wireless technology as another toolset for delivering better patient care. They’re tapping into time savings, low costs and easy access that wireless devices can offer. And with oncoming EHR adoption requirements, wireless technologies will play a greater […]